I have been pondering a lot about the debates for a while now. I wasn't always into politics, not necessarily because I wasn't interested, but because I didn't know. I was naive, and still am to an extent, but I consider that a good thing. I am literally scared to death of the future of this country. With both Mitt Romney and Barrack Obama as the candidates. I make it obvious that I am indeed a Romney supporter. I do believe that he stands for a generation (more or less) that does not believe in entitlements. He is NOT perfect by any means, I have a lot of problems with his stand on things. Such as Illegal Immigration, his flip floppiness on abortion, and most of his social issues for that matter, and his foreign policy and much more.
I believe that my generation (not all, but from what I've seen) thinks we are entitled to so many things! Why do hard working tax payers have to pay for MY birth control? Why? That makes no sense to me whatsoever. I do not believe in abortion, but those who do, and that want it (besides rape, and incest) should pay for it themselves. Seriously. There is no excuse to demand that from a hard working tax payer, to pay for anyone's birth control That is just ridiculous thinking. If you don't want a baby, then don't have sex, because by having sex you give up that right. And I can say this. And those that are pregnant and need help, there are many options for you. I can refer you to a few if need be. There are people that live to help women with this sort of issue, being a single mother, teenage mother, etc. This goes for both women AND men. I know this is such a hot topic because most often, women are left alone to care for the child they cannot provide for. There is government assistance to help along the way, and there are many many couples that are unable to have children that would love to raise that child. Abortion is definitely not the answer.
Foreign Policy, I actually do agree with Obama on this, but sadly he has no intention to bring them back, it's a sad truth. Here is proof to that sadly. http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/foreign-policy/item/13251-us-negotiating-to-keep-troops-in-afghanistan-past-2014
I wish we could bring our troops home, with all sincerity. They don't want to be away from there families, why are their lives in the hands of one man? Why are they there if that country (Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya) does not want them there, or want our help. So many people have died but for what at this point? It's so sad. Our troops deserve more than that. I believe that they should be pulled out of those countries and onto our borders to stop the drug cartel. Also I would put them in Mexico and HELP them. Help them get there country back! I do not agree with illegal immigration, but I do believe they are running from disaster. Why can't we help if that is such an issue? Is it because the political party wants their votes? Why can't we help them? Put our troops on our soil and their's to help both Mexico and the U.S. Use our forces to destroy the drug cartel, regain proper leadership for mexico and get their citizens a place where they can safely live and raise there families. I don't understand why we can't do that. If we can help Libya destroy a dictator that is half way across the globe, then why can't we help a bordered country.
Obamacare. This one is tricky. But no, it's not good for this country. My grandfather is being affected by this already, and it's not fair. He has worked his whole life, only for his life to be dictated by the government? He has a bad heart issue, and clearly needs a pacemaker, and that would make things a whole better for him. BUT the government has told him he needs to be on this pill (not sure what it is) for 3 months, to see if it'll work first. The doctors have told my Bumpa that this pill will do nothing for him, so he has to sit and wait for 3 months, which is called a death panel. How right is that? Seriously? To work your whole life only for your health to be in hands of the government? Quality of care will go down (as does any government organization), I only hope my mother will still (her being a Registered Nurse) get paid the same and work her same hours, but only time will tell how it will affect the workforce. I honestly don't know how it will. The healthcare system is indeed corrupt, and it needs to be fixed, but government is not the answer, because with them, there's always strings attached. And THAT is the truth.
Fellow college friends, this one is specifically for us. Our futures. If you watched the debate last night, the first question was from a fellow college student graduating in 2014. He asked Romney about his job prospects for when he graduated college, and NEITHER of them answered the question. Not once. I was so disappointed, because that is a daily fear for Kyle and I, is once he graduates, will we be able to start a family? Will he have a full time job? Where will we be? We will be able to pay off our student loans? It's a very scary thought. So please stop and think for a second, think about the last four years, think about the job prospects. Think about things, do your own research, and you WILL find the truth. DO NOT let the media, including FOX, CNN, MSNBC all those others, don't let them tell you who to vote for. There is NO such thing as an independent voter. If that were the case, I would be, cause I'm not thrilled about Romney, but I do not like Obama. So does that consider me an independent? No. My values are not persuadable, my views are not either. I believe what I do, and they will not change. Don't insult yourself by labeling you as in independent because nobody buys into it. There was no answer from either candidate last night about this question, and that makes me think do either of them care about situations? Or do they just want our votes because our age can be swayed so easily.
One more thing. Friends, look at our national debt. It has been raised 4.939 trillion in 3 years. It took Bush 8 years to do that. Here is an article that proves this. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-57400369-503544/national-debt-has-increased-more-under-obama-than-under-bush/ We, as tax payers are paying for this. We need to stand and say enough is enough! These are my opinions, and I don't expect people to agree with me, but I encourage you as my friends to look into this, and to really understand the importance for this election. The budget has NOT been balanced, how many of us have to not buy things because we can't afford it? I'm pretty sure everyone has had to do this. If not, then you need to grow up. The government is acting like a 16 year old girl with her Dad's credit card. "It's not MY money, so why do I care how much I spend" That is EXACTLY the way the government thinks about our money. Our HARD EARNED MONEY! It needs to stop. Sadly it will never stop completely, BUT it can slow down and take a turn for the better. Gas prices? Influx on food prices? Pay attention guys, cause this may seem like a distant debate where it doesn't effect us immediately, but it does, more so than you think.
Sorry this isn't light hearted like my other ones, but this has been bothering me, and I wanted to get it off my chest. Thanks for reading, and I hope you will hear from me soon!
~Katie B.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
7 weeks!
Finally! A number! An amount of time to be able to count down from. I have been waiting a long time for this moment. I received word that the temple prep class will start this Sunday and will be 7 weeks long. At first, I was frustrated. Very frustrated. I have been through quite a bit before these moments, and I just wanted it done already. I was tired of moving, tired of going from place to place, ward to ward, knowing each time we were set back was a hard thing to deal with for me. But after prayer and time to think I am just grateful that I have a wonderful bishop that understands the situation and taking time to make sure it will happen. Everything happens for a reason, and I mean everything. I am grateful, the past 2 years almost, I have had the ability to learn a lot of things, go through spiritual boosts, and also drought. I have learned what an incredible difference life makes when you include the gospel in every aspect. For example, for me I love going to Institute. I know that may be weird for some, but I enjoy it very much. I enjoy knowing I made the choice to be there most of all. I could be grabbing lunch with Kyle, or studying, or face-booking but I made the choice to take Institute. Unfortunately I have missed about 4 days of it in a row, and I can see the huge difference. It's more difficult to WANT to find the time to read scripture, pray, and in general feel the spirit. I guess obviously I am the type of person that needs something like institute to keep me in check.
I cannot wait to be sealed to Kyle. Kyle is literally my soul mate, and the fact that our love, our marriage can be expounded upon? That is an incredible feeling. I love him so much, I am so grateful for all the experiences, the choices we have made together to strengthen our bond, to build a more firm foundation for our future family. It is very rewarding and exciting. Kyle and I discuss almost every night, how things will change once we are sealed, it's always an exciting conversation. I feel like the next chapter in our lives will REALLY begin once that is done. I have been patient, and impatient. I have been strong, but also weak, at many times. But I always come out stronger, I truly believe. After talking to my bishop this Thursday, I will confirm where I want to be sealed. And lay out plans from there. I want everything to be planned WAY ahead of time, starting this week! No surprises, at least minimal.
I truly hope all the plans I want to make will fall into place. I guess that is my biggest worry. I am very used to things like that being very difficult when they really shouldn't be. The most simplest things have been incredibly difficult to achieve, and 9 times out of 10, they are out of my control. BUT I need to remind myself that I should put my faith in the Lord and let him lead me. Please, say a prayer for me, that everything will be smooth, and stay the course!
These are my thoughts for the month, thank you to those of you who take the time to read this. I am very grateful and hope all of you are doing very well, and wish all the best.
~Katie B.
I cannot wait to be sealed to Kyle. Kyle is literally my soul mate, and the fact that our love, our marriage can be expounded upon? That is an incredible feeling. I love him so much, I am so grateful for all the experiences, the choices we have made together to strengthen our bond, to build a more firm foundation for our future family. It is very rewarding and exciting. Kyle and I discuss almost every night, how things will change once we are sealed, it's always an exciting conversation. I feel like the next chapter in our lives will REALLY begin once that is done. I have been patient, and impatient. I have been strong, but also weak, at many times. But I always come out stronger, I truly believe. After talking to my bishop this Thursday, I will confirm where I want to be sealed. And lay out plans from there. I want everything to be planned WAY ahead of time, starting this week! No surprises, at least minimal.
I truly hope all the plans I want to make will fall into place. I guess that is my biggest worry. I am very used to things like that being very difficult when they really shouldn't be. The most simplest things have been incredibly difficult to achieve, and 9 times out of 10, they are out of my control. BUT I need to remind myself that I should put my faith in the Lord and let him lead me. Please, say a prayer for me, that everything will be smooth, and stay the course!
These are my thoughts for the month, thank you to those of you who take the time to read this. I am very grateful and hope all of you are doing very well, and wish all the best.
~Katie B.
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