Wow, the year ended with so many great occurrences! Kyle and I were endowed in the Salt Lake City Temple on the 8th of December. We were able to go home and visit family/friends down in Texas for the Christmas holiday! Kyle and I were sealed on the 22nd of December for time and all eternity in the Dallas Texas temple. It was a great day. Also, my Uncle Larry was baptized into the LDS church in December as well. AND last but not least my cousin Karlee was called to serve in the Calgary Canada mission and I was there to see her find out! Great things happened! I guess it was the Lords way of trying to even things out from the hell of the beginning of the year, with the deaths of my Nana and Grandpa and other family struggles that came with all that. It was very difficult dealing with all of that, but I am at peace that it was all a part of God's plan for me.
This semester is a busy one, but I feel so incredibly blessed coming into it. I had many worries coming into the spring semester, but each one of them are slowly being solved by blessings that have been put in our path. Anywhere from finances to school/books. I feel like the Lord is letting me know that he is proud of me, and that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. My new years resolution this year is grow spiritually ( i have so much by preparing to go to the temple/being sealed/endowed) but I want to build on that now. I want to be disciplined to kneeling for my prayers every night, and read the scriptures not only with Kyle but my own independent study as well. Also, be on top of my studies, and kick that laziness in the butt. The Lord has put me in this position to go to school, and I want to take advantage of that blessing, because being a married student, it truly is a blessing. I'm glad I started out the semester celebrating my 2 year wedding anniversary. It's a good reminder of why we are doing what we're doing, why we are in Utah, and what we want to accomplish by being here. Another new years resolution for myself is to keep negative thoughts to myself and pray for peace for them to leave so I can only focus on the positive aspects of my life. Having negative thoughts towards anyone/anything only hurts the one who has them, and can just get worse from there.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a happy New Years. I hope we all make new resolutions for life, and just the year of 2013. God Bless you all! Thanks for reading!
~Katie B.