

Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Story: Chapter 1: The Beginnings of Eternity

I was thinking, have I told my story to my readers? I am currently working on an article for a brand new magazine called about temple marriage and all the prep it takes and how life fits into all that. As I was brainstorming I asked myself have I told my story on my blog? I don't think I have! So here is chapter 1!



Our first picture as a couple

Let us start on the night of December 30th, 2009. I had just got off of work at Subway and my cousin Tara was in town from Houston. We were planning on going out to IHOP for pancakes and to just chill with Kyle.  But for some reason my Dad wouldn't let me go out. So being the trouble makers that Tara and I were, we still saw Kyle anyway. He came by the house when every one was asleep and we walked around the neighborhood. I had butterflies in my stomach, I knew he wanted to ask me to be his girlfriend, but I was just terrified! We had gone on a formal dates, and several casual hangouts and I really liked him. I had never truly felt this way before. Tara was committed to witness this event no matter what. She came up with a scheme as he was about to leave. "Hey Kyle, we're starving! If I gave you some cash will you go run to Jack in the Box?" Being the sweet man that he was he went.


Us at the Botanical Gardens in Fort Worth, TX

While he was gone Tara demanded that I "cut the crap" and kiss him already! "Katie, this is it! You better get out there and lay one on him or I'll force you!" I was horrified by what would happen if I wouldn't, so I agreed. I saw his car down the street. I panicked and went back inside. Tara yelled "KATELYN LEANNE, GET YOUR BUTT (editing this) OUT THERE RIGHT NOW!" She shoved me outside and locked the door to where I couldn't go back in. I slowly walked to the car and he handed me the bag of food. "Thanks, that was really sweet of you." He then replied with a smile, "Anything for you" It was silent. Here I was, hanging over his car window! I knew Tara was watching, and would kill me if nothing happened! He leans in....


"Well thanks again" I said nervously. As soon as I stepped away, I instantly regretted it. I wanted to kiss him but I was just to shy! I knew Tara would rip into me. As I watched him drive away, I noticed there was only one burger in the bag. Was this my second chance? Will I blow this one too? I told Tara about this convenient mishap, and all she said was, "OK, I'll be waiting."


Botanical Gardens in Fort Worth, TX

He came back and turns out the burger had slipped out of the bag. There we were again. Just me and him, my stomach drops out of nervousness, my breath short. Am I going to blow this? For the second time?  I started to panic again, was I ready for this? I wanted to scream at myself for being so stupid! Just kiss him, I thought. This is it! He just smiled at me. "Goodnight Katie, I'll be a phone call away." As he drove away I couldn't help but smile. I came back inside with my cousin berating me. "Why are you inside?? Well?? ARE YOU HIS GIRLFRIEND OR NOT??". "Not yet" I said. I couldn't help but smile. "Tara, are you even going to eat that burger?" She just laughed. "No, I'm really not that hungry."


Later that night, we were texting and talking on the phone. I told him that I really liked him and the fact that he just smiled at me, not expecting anything and understanding how nervous I was meant a lot. I felt like it was in my hands, and in my time. I told him after that moment, I knew I wanted to be with him. He asked me to be his girlfriend later that night. I (obviously) accepted. As funny, or ridiculous as this sounds, that night was the beginning of our journey to eternity.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Building a foundation

Earlier this week I attended an institute class (religious courses) that it's primary focus was to teach how to  build a foundation in relationships on Christ and His Gospel. This goes for anything we do in life. The relationship does not have to be with your wife/husband boyfriend/girlfriend, but for anyone in our lives. Parents, siblings, friends, family, co-workers etc. When we build a foundation on His words and way of life, we will always have something to fall back on. We will have His everlasting love to lift us up in times of trouble and hardships. We can all say these things, but it is a different story to live what we speak. I find this to be so true especially in my marriage.
foundation is built on his investigation of the gospel, and it made my testimony grow ten fold. We have a foundation of Christ
 When I met my husband, I introduced him to the Gospel and said that this was my way of life and who I was. I wanted everything out in the open and I was scared to death that it would run him off. But to my surprise, it didn't. It drew him in closer. It made him curious and fall in love with me even more. That is how our relationship grew. Our in our marriage, not only because of how we met, but because marriage is indeed of God and a wonderful part of his plan for all of us.

I encourage my readers to think about every relationship you have in life and ask yourself what is the foundation of those relationships. Whether it be a co-worker, church member, spouse, parent or child. Was it built upon Christ's love? Was it built on charity? Was it built to help one another? I guarantee if you re-establish that foundation with these qualities, improvements will follow. I took a lot from that class this week and felt the need to share. I hope all of you are having a good week. God Bless.

~Katie B.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Gun Control/Video Games/Society as a whole!

This whole mess is just,...well.. a mess! I have many thoughts on the matter that I want to express.

       First off, the Sandy Hook shootings are just the worst thing that can possibly happen to our society. Innocent children at risk in what is supposed to be one of (if not the most) safest environments other then their homes. As a former child care giver, working in an elementary school, this hits me pretty hard. I can't imagine what I would do in a situation like that. It is such a heart breaking tragedy that unfortunately can not be prevented.

How can we predict an event like this? How can we prevent this from ever being a possibility. That's just it. We can't predict/prevent situations like that. There are already security measures in place that he worked around to even get to those children, I mean what more can you really do? Background checks? Ok, this 'argument' I have a major problem with and here is why. Do you think this man thought about a background check? Do you think this man thought to himself, "I'm registering my weapon, but still planning to kill these innocent children, so they won't suspect a thing!" I'm confident in myself that criminals with the intent to harm don't obviously follow laws in the first place. I'm also fairly confident that going into an elementary school with the intent of killing as many people within  sight is illegal in the state of Connecticut.

What other law can you put in place that will prevent something like this from happening? This is what criminals do, they break the laws that are in place. So you think that the solution to this is to put more laws in place for them to break? Will a background check prevent that? Absolutely not! The second argument that I have been seeing all over Facebook/media is that we should just strip the right all together! At least assault rifles, because the Government knows best right? The only people that will be restricted by that are the people already following  laws. Why would you trust the Government to take away your weapons to leave you defenseless? Is it "In GOVERNMENT we trust" or is it "In GOD we trust"? I don't know about you but I'll put my faith and safety in the hands of God rather than Government. The fact that people trust them period is what is wrong with this society in my opinion.

Recently the Supreme Court ruled a Missouri law unconstitutional for requiring a drug test to be done if receiving welfare because it causes 'stereotyping' among it's recipients. So according to this country it is easier to steal money from hard working taxpayers and coast on the earnings of others than the right to bear arms.

Another issue I see is the blame game towards video games. That bothers me immensely. I have had a passion for video games since I was 3 years old. I have good parents that taught that video games were a good part of life, a tool to expand my imagination. They did not use it as a parenting tool. I was taught the discipline of balance. School first, chores, then came the video games. A reward after all the hard work was finished. Those teachings of responsibility have greatly diminished since then. The society now is all about "reward now, work later."

Granted, video games were different in my child hood then what they are now. Is Call of Duty mindless killing? Yes it is. I cannot argue with that. What about Hollywood? The movies Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Django Unchained? The top of the box offices, and the highest violent/Gorey mainstream movies in the history of Hollywood. That's only ok because it is something society likes and accepts. Contrary to that, playing that game is a choice. It is apart of agency. So is going to the movies. It is the parents responsibility to allow a child to play games like COD, and watch movies like Django Unchained. It is their responsibility to teach "work now, play later" and what is best for their child's development. I am the same age as the shooter, and when I play games such as Call of Duty, it does not want to make me go out and kill innocent people.

It bother's me when "Pro-Gun" advocates blame video games on the Sandy Hook tragedy. That is just as bad as blaming the gun instead of the man behind it. They just want the media to leave them alone, so they go to the next thing on the list. Why don't we all take a step back and place responsibility on the rightful target. The man behind the news headlines, behind the gun. Don't blame the video games, don't blame the guns. All that does is infringe on the rights of others that follow the laws already in place and restricts their liberties.

These are my thoughts on the issues. I am not afraid to stand my ground and speak up for what I believe in. I encourage discussion and debates. Placing laws on already abiding citizens only leads to a divided country.

~Katie B.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

It's 2013!

Wow, the year ended with so many great occurrences! Kyle and I were endowed in the Salt Lake City Temple on the 8th of December. We were able to go home and visit family/friends down in Texas for the Christmas holiday! Kyle and I were sealed on the 22nd of December for time and all eternity in the Dallas Texas temple. It was a great day. Also, my Uncle Larry was baptized into the LDS church in December as well. AND last but not least my cousin Karlee was called to serve in the Calgary Canada mission and I was there to see her find out! Great things happened! I guess it was the Lords way of trying to even things out from the hell of the beginning of the year, with the deaths of my Nana and Grandpa and other family struggles that came with all that. It was very difficult dealing with all of that, but I am at peace that it was all a part of God's plan for me.

This semester is a busy one, but I feel so incredibly blessed coming into it. I had many worries coming into the spring semester, but each one of them are slowly being solved by blessings that have been put in our path. Anywhere from finances to school/books. I feel like the Lord is letting me know that he is proud of me, and that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. My new years resolution this year is grow spiritually ( i have so much by preparing to go to the temple/being sealed/endowed) but I want to build on that now. I want to be disciplined to kneeling for my prayers every night, and read the scriptures not only with Kyle but my own independent study as well. Also, be on top of my studies, and kick that laziness in the butt. The Lord has put me in this position to go to school, and I want to take advantage of that blessing, because being a married student, it truly is a blessing. I'm glad I started out the semester celebrating my 2 year wedding anniversary. It's a good reminder of why we are doing what we're doing, why we are in Utah, and what we want to accomplish by being here. Another new years resolution for myself is to keep negative thoughts to myself and pray for peace for them to leave so I can only focus on the positive aspects of my life. Having negative thoughts towards anyone/anything only hurts the one who has them, and can just get worse from there.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a happy New Years. I hope we all make new resolutions for life, and just the year of 2013. God Bless you all! Thanks for reading!

~Katie B.