I feel like I have changed immensely these last two years. Every trial I have gone through, I KNOW has made me stronger, for my personal benefit, for my marriage, and for friends and family.
Kyle and I went to his academic advisement appointment last week. We were both very nervous because with us, it is always something, whether it is self inflicted or just completely out of the blue. We have been through some doosies let me tell you! His former advisor has been promoted to another position within the University, so he had a brand new advisor. So you can understand our worries!
We went in there nervous, and came out on cloud 9. She gave Kyle the green light to graduate at the end of Spring Semester 2014. We didn't say anything to each other at first, soaking in the information we just received. We went out to lunch afterwards and I had a few thoughts come into my mind:
When we came to Utah, my thoughts and feelings were "I just need to get away" mostly in regards to my family. I needed my space and needed to find my footing of who I was, who WE were as husband and wife, as a family. I came to realize that my family is what I missed the most while out here in the West. I love BYU, I love UVU, I love the historical value and beauty of Utah. The history of the saints, their struggles, their triumphs. It gives me a perspective of how I should live my life, how I should treat the luxuries of the Book of Mormon, Institute, Freedom of Religion, something the saints died for, with respect and not take them for granted.
I said, "Kyle, I feel like we have been through so much, all BEFORE you got your Bachelors degree. I feel like we have taken a path that will make us stronger, not only as future parents, but as children of God. I feel like we have grown and matured a lot. I'm not saying we were immature but there was plenty of room to grow. I've learned that I want my children to have what I had growing up. Close knit aunts and uncles, cousins on both sides. I want that so bad for our kids. I am willing to go to great lengths to make that happen. Family is #1 in our lives, and if we make that our first priority, the Lord will bless us with the things we have long fought for. A job, stability and a beautiful family."
Who am I?
I am a daughter of God. I am someone that is loyal, and a very hard worker. I am willing to do what it takes to get the job done, whatever the costs. I believe in being kind to others, going out of my way to help others in need, whether they want to receive it or not. I believe being "moderate" is a very bad way to be. I believe in standing up for what I believe in whether I am liked or not. I believe in not being passive.
I KNOW my Redeemer lives, and His Gospel is alive and well on this earth. I KNOW marriage is divinely inspired by the Lord Himself, and I cherish it. I am a strong woman, a strong daughter of God. I KNOW all life on this earth is cherished and should be treated as such.
I look forward to a new chapter in my life. I look forward to Kyle graduating, and him moving on and providing for our family. I appreciate the people rooting for me AND against me in my journey because both helped me to keep going.
Don't allow yourself to get caught up in today's afflictions. I know I have been allowing myself to do that the last few days. I need to "shake it off" and move on. Stand out, stand for the ways of the Gospel. Stand for something, for righteousness.
“Our safety lies in the virtue of our lives. Our strength lies in our righteousness. God has made it clear that if we will not forsake Him, He will not forsake us.”
-Gordon B. Hinckley
~Katie B.