It's interesting that my home town (DFW, Texas) local newscaster Dale Hansen is trending. I saw it on my news feed, and immediatly I was intrigued.
He ripped into the media and the NFL for silently ostracizing "openly gay" Micheal Sam.
"...Michael Sam, the SEC defensive player of the year, and expected to be a 3rd to 5th round pick in the NFL draft tells the world he's gay." Stop right there Dale. Let's chat.
Why does he have to announce it to the world? Why? Why does he have open it up exclusively on an interview and make a huge scene about it? I mean, what do you expect these men to think? They are not allowed to be uncomfortable taking a shower with a man who is sexually attracted to other men? They are not allowed to be uncomfortable when they are smashing bodies together during practice? I mean, seriously. Is it your first reaction when having an interview to tell them your sexual orientation? No. I don't think so. What is the need for that? Is he announcing it as a warning? "Hey guys, watch out! I'm gay!" Or is he saying because he wants everyone to shut up and accept him. It is propaganda. Period. Does your sexual orientation define you that much to the point that you have to announce it via national television? I just don't understand.
With that being said, Dale made a lot of very good points. "You beat a woman, and drag her down a flight of stairs pulling her hair out by the roots, you're the fourth guy taken in the NFL draft. You kill people while driving drunk, that guys welcome. Players caught in hotel rooms with illegal drugs and prostitutes we know they're welcome. Players accused of rape and payed the woman to go away. You lie to police trying to cover up a murder, we're comfortable with that. You love another man, well now you've gone to far."
Very well said Dale, you definitely put the hypocrisy that is the NFL in their place. It gives people something to think about for sure. It gives me something to think about. Very true. I just don't understand, why your ways of life, regardless of what they are, need to be broadcasted to the world. Anything involving the media is propaganda, which ever way it is aimed, right or left, it is a form of propaganda. I'm not buying it. But his words spark a good debate. He makes excellent points, and for that, I applaud him.
~Katie B.