In December 2013, a woman named Vanessa Elizabeth wrote a list of things to do instead of getting engaged at or before the age of 23. As thought provoking as this list may be, I have a slight problem with it. It is one of the most unintelligent, ignorant and self centered lists I have ever come across. Let's break this down.
Here is the link to the original article.
A little background on me before I start. I've been married for 3 1/2 years now, and I'm not even 22.
"1. Get a passport"
Get a passport? So if you get married BEFORE the age of 23, you are forbidden to purchase a passport?
"2. Find your thing."
What if someone's thing is to find love, get married, and continue living their life with their spouse by their side?
"3. Make out with a stranger"
That's just nasty. I'd rather be with a man who I know loves me. One that will be there when I wake up every morning. Again and again. Who honestly wants to swap fluids with someone they don't even know or may never want to know?
"4. Adopt a pet"
Already did. My husband and I named her Daisy.
"5. Start a band."
Just not my "thing".
"6. Make a cake. Make a second cake. Have your cake and eat it too."
I've made plenty of cakes. Some for my hubby's birthday, others for Valentines Day. Guess what. I get to eat it too.
"7. Get a tattoo. It's more permanent than marriage."
The marriage I believe in lasts for time and all eternity. I think that is a little more permanent than a tattoo.
"8. Explore a new religion. "
I like the religion I'm in now, thanks.
"9. Start a small business."
Can I not do that with my husband? Do you have to be single to start a business?
"10. Cut your hair."
I got my haircut last week, actually.
11. Date two people at once and see how long it takes to blow up in your face.
Date two different people, and wait for it to blow up in your face? So, in other words, have the guys (or girls) find out that your dating another person without them knowing? Until it blows up in your face? That's called being a whore, and there are plenty of those around. So I'll pass.
"12. Build something with your hands."
Again, you can do this single or married.
"13. Accomplish a Pinterest Project. "
I have accomplished a few, all while being married. It's a miracle!
"14. Join the Peach Corps."
What if that's not my "thing"?
"15. Disappoint your parents"
I don't want to disappoint my parents. I don't think any self respecting person wants to do that.
"16. Watch GIRLS, over and over again. "
Still don't get it.
17. Eat a jar of Nutella in one sitting.
I'd prefer not too. And if one wanted too, they can do it married or single. I don't think Nutella is prejudice towards your relationship status.
"18. Make strangers feel uncomfortable in public"
I think my hubby and I can do that together. Wouldn't want to look like a fool doing that all by myself.
"19. Sign up for Crossfit"
I have gym membership. So i'm good. Besides, I know couples who do that together.
"20. Hangout naked in front of a window."
Ew. No. Married or single, no thank you.
"21. Write your feelings down in a blog"
I already am. This one suits me just fine.
"22. Be selfish."
Who wants to be known as selfish? I mean, seriously?
"23. Come with me to the Phillippines for Chinese New Year. "
No thanks. If you're going to just hang out naked in front of window, make out with random people, and Lord only knows what else, I prefer not.
Now, I know getting married young isn't for everyone and I don't expect it to be. But to make a list, thinking these things are better for people to do, then to choose to join lives with another is just ignorant. Let people make their own choices, whether it be to stay single, marry young or old or whatever else they choose to do with the life God has given them. Don't put those who choose to marry young down. I promise you, we're not missing out as much as society likes for us to think. Quite the opposite actually.
~Katie B.