

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

I Refuse To Fall In Line

Tonight was a sad one, when Cruz suspended his campaign. I have been an avid supporter of Ted Cruz, because I feel that he is the only one that has truly fought for all of our individual liberties and the constitution as a whole. No matter what party you are associated with, he has fought for your rights and freedoms.  Although, he was far from perfect, I rallied behind him. 

It's time to stop this paradigm. It's time to take a stand and no longer "fall in line" to what the media and the establishment tells us to do. It is time to stop believing in the false theory of voting for the "lesser of two evils" and stick with this Republican vs Democrat mentality. We can do more than that. Do not fall in line. I had a feeling of disgust come over me when  CNN host Dana Bash asked "Will these 'never Trump' people eventually just fall in line?" This is not the same situation as 2012, when a typical run of the mill establishment candidate (i.e. Mitt Romney, John McCain, Bush) became the "anointed one" for the GOP. This is Donald Trump. A man that has no one to answer to. A man that throws out insults only a child would even think to say. A man that has no boundaries. A man that has no respect for anyone unless they bow at his feet. This is why there is such a movement. And this is why I will not "fall in line" and continue on this mentality of voting for whoever the establishment is. I will not do it unless it remotely goes along with my belief system. 

I understand that no candidate is perfect. I understand that no candidate is a savior. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. But I also know that I will have to answer to my Savior and I want to able to tell Him that I stuck with my principles even when it was unpopular. I want to tell my children that I was not apart of the decline of this country. I want to look them in the eyes and say I tried. 

I will not fall in line. I absolutely refuse.

We, as the people, truly have the power to change this. I'm calling upon everyone of different beliefs, whether you're a liberal, independent, libertarian, republican, democrat, do not fall in line any longer. We have the power to change this establishment rhetoric. Regardless of what society tells you, regardless of what the media tells you, we have the power to change how things run in this country. I have actually seen some common ground with the left throughout this election process. We can agree on some things. So let us take some of that common ground and make a change. 

For those who believe that Donald Trump is the lesser of two evils compared to Hillary, I beg of you to research into who Donald Trump really is. Research his actions, his past interviews (and current) on health care, on firearms, on immigration, on abortion, planned parenthood, his tax plan (wanting to raise taxes universally, inadvertently advocating for socialism). Please, conduct your own personal investigation before you hit the polls. I beg of you. 

Also, I've noticed a lot of people afraid to post their political ideologies on social media. Why? Is it because you find it annoying when other people do? Is it because you're afraid of an argument or losing friends/popularity. Social media is a great tool to keep in touch with friends and family, but it is also a great forum to express your thoughts and feelings on things that matter. Politics matter greatly. It is worth talking about. It is worth standing up for. It is worth having debates/discussions. So don't be afraid. Stand up for what you believe in, no matter what. 

Stand up and take a stand for a change that is worth fighting for. Do not fall in line. I refuse to fall in line. 

May God Bless you all. 

~Katie B.