Man, this semester has just been both great/exhausting! I'm just so glad it's coming to a close. Next semester for me is going to so much worse though unfortunately. Two math classes back to back, Monday - Friday for two hours a day. I have an Animation class every day of the week, a digital media essentials class, along with an online class (health, Utah requirement) and also another technology requirement. A total of 20 hours. Wow, I mean wow. That's a lot for me. I'm a little worried that I won't be able to handle it. Can I handle it? As long as I stay on top of it. This semester was both a job and a struggle, especially the second half. Finances tightening, classes are harder, it just kind of came all at once to me.
I'm excited for a lot of things. Kyle and I are taking out our endowments in the Salt Lake City Temple this Saturday the 8th of December. Woah. It's kind of surreal. Seriously. It's been a very long time coming, but I NEVER gave up. Never. I always worked hard to make this happen, not just since I've been married (But that is where the sweat and tears came in!) but since I was baptized. It's what I've been taught, by leaders and family by their words and examples. I just need to take a second and soak it all in.
I hope everyone is doing well. I really do. I hope we can get through all of whatever we are going through in our lives. Whether it be finances, family drama/tragedies, relationships/marriages, school, anything. I strive everyday to not focus on the hardships of just life in general, because they are always going to be there. I am by no means perfect, my anxiety has been at an all time high with my mind LOOKING for problems. It's just been stupid the way I've been thinking. I had Kyle give me a priesthood blessing and it has solved my major anxiety.
I have a request to ask my readers. (If there are any ha ha). I made a promise to myself that I will GIVE more than I RECEIVE this Christmas season. I have two things I am going to do. Mostly I am going to do these things when I come home to Texas for the winter break. I am going to take $5 dollars, (5 One dollar bills) and when Kyle and I go out on the town, I am going to give one dollar to either a homeless man, or a charity. I know what you're thinking. "Five dollars? One dollar each? That's nothing..." Anything is better than passing them by and feeling sorry you didn't. I know we've all been there before, and besides, it's all I got. I encourage you to donate your time mostly or just get the coin jar out and next time you head to Wal-Mart, and put it in the Salvation Army. Anything is better than nothing. I hope you all have a great December. God Bless!
~Katie B.

Monday, December 3, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
CHRISTmas, not X-mas...
About five years ago, I was sitting in church, and I was passing a note back and forth to my friend, and I believe I asked her "What do you want for X-mas?" She replied by crossing out the "X" in X-mas, and replaced it with Christmas. "I never use the word X-mas because it crosses out the word Christ." I was taken aback by that statement, I didn't even realize what that had meant! I thought that was just a short cut for the word when writing it. That has stuck with me ever since and I can't help but think about that every time Christmas comes around. I think that this is exactly what the world has done with Christmas, they take Christ out of it. We all really need to check ourselves and remember what this time is really for. I know I had too, and it was the best thing I have ever done!
This past thanksgiving was a great experience away from home! My 3 cousins, Kymberlee, Kaelene, and Karlee, my older sister Ali and my niece Audrey, and Kyle and I all sat with our Bumpa (My mom's dad) and enjoyed our meal together, going around the table saying what we are thankful for. It was a great experience that I will never forget! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving at home, away from home, or where ever you were. It has been an interesting semester, but I think I speak for most of us college students, that I am glad it is over. (Almost). I look forward to many things! I look forward to taking out my endowments in the Salt Lake City Temple (my favorite since I was a little girl!) and getting sealed in the Dallas Temple! Kyle and I are on the right path! I know it!
So a little update, I changed my major. BUT I still want to help families, and society, and I am going to continue to do so. I am inviting you to like my page "Marriage Matters" on Facebook, to talk with a community that values the institution of marriage, and helps those in need as much as possible. I changed my major to Graphic Design, concentration in Game Design. I am very excited about this change. I am very passionate about video games, more so than the average girl (that goes without saying) and I think I would thoroughly enjoy this field. I am very excited at what lies ahead.
Thanks again to everyone who takes the time to read my blog, and I hope I help people in one way or another. I strive to be a good person everyday, I live my religion every minute of every day, not just one day a week. I encourage people to do the same. Pray to Heavenly Father, our God for peace, for the right path, or whatever it is you need, because I have a testimony that He does hear our prayers, and always has great things in store for us! I hope everyone is having a fantastic week and God bless!
~Katie B.
This past thanksgiving was a great experience away from home! My 3 cousins, Kymberlee, Kaelene, and Karlee, my older sister Ali and my niece Audrey, and Kyle and I all sat with our Bumpa (My mom's dad) and enjoyed our meal together, going around the table saying what we are thankful for. It was a great experience that I will never forget! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving at home, away from home, or where ever you were. It has been an interesting semester, but I think I speak for most of us college students, that I am glad it is over. (Almost). I look forward to many things! I look forward to taking out my endowments in the Salt Lake City Temple (my favorite since I was a little girl!) and getting sealed in the Dallas Temple! Kyle and I are on the right path! I know it!
So a little update, I changed my major. BUT I still want to help families, and society, and I am going to continue to do so. I am inviting you to like my page "Marriage Matters" on Facebook, to talk with a community that values the institution of marriage, and helps those in need as much as possible. I changed my major to Graphic Design, concentration in Game Design. I am very excited about this change. I am very passionate about video games, more so than the average girl (that goes without saying) and I think I would thoroughly enjoy this field. I am very excited at what lies ahead.
Thanks again to everyone who takes the time to read my blog, and I hope I help people in one way or another. I strive to be a good person everyday, I live my religion every minute of every day, not just one day a week. I encourage people to do the same. Pray to Heavenly Father, our God for peace, for the right path, or whatever it is you need, because I have a testimony that He does hear our prayers, and always has great things in store for us! I hope everyone is having a fantastic week and God bless!
~Katie B.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
November, the Thankful month!
Ah, beautiful November. I absolutely love this month. There are SO many things to love, Thanksgiving, more fall colors, cooler days, more hot cocoa, cute winter clothes, the smell of a warm fire and so much more! Also it is the "Thankful Month". I'm going to share a few things I'm thankful for, and also a trick I learned. I am thankful for the wonderful man I am proud to call my husband. He takes care of me, works for me, and loves me unconditionally. I am thankful for my awesome dog, my sweet and loving dog! I am thankful for UVU, and the great education I am receiving! I am grateful for my faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ, without that, to me, there would be no reason to get up in the morning. I am thankful for my family, my cousin's Kaelene and Kymberlee, all 4 of my sisters, my wonderful niece, my brother-in-law, my awesome parents, hopefully I continue to make them proud. I am grateful for my wonderful in-laws, and my best friends.
There are so many more things I can say, but I feel like it would go on forever. I learned a trick, I don't remember where I heard this from, but if we say what we are thankful for BEFORE we go to bed we will have a more restful night's sleep, and wake up with a clear head and surprisingly more happy. I know this sounds cliche, but I have tried it and both Kyle and I wake up better and refreshed because of it! So please try it!
I am not going to lie, the election was a huge disappointment to me, but I cannot dwell on it. I have a life to live, school to go to, and things to worry about that I CAN control. But, I do feel that my faith in Christ will keep me safe from any misfortunes, and that when Kyle and I graduate we will be okay. That is a huge worry for us, the job market and the economy. Obama supporter or not, that is undeniable. That is why I am glad it is the thankful month, I can be grateful for what I have, and not focus on things I cannot control.
I try for this blog to be an uplifting for anyone who needs it, including myself. I try to put myself out there, for anyone to see, because I have nothing to hide. Absolutely nothing. I am a faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I am a hardworking married college student, a house wife, and a life partner! I try to have fun in anything I do, no matter what it may be, and I love being married! I want my life's work to be rebuilding the family unit in this country. I am thankful for families! I have a huge one myself, on both my father and mother's side. One's catholic and one is Mormon, and I am grateful to be apart of both! I absolutely love it! I take pride in both. I am no longer ashamed to make mistakes, because it is what makes me a stronger and better person. I will never stop fighting for what's right, I will never change my views, and I will not cave in the sight of adversity. Never. I try to be a loving, non-judgmental person, but what's right is right and it cannot be swayed. I am grateful for my values and firm standing in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I leave this with you with a heart of gratitude for reading my blog. I hope you all have a great November and a very grateful Thanksgiving.
~Katie B.
There are so many more things I can say, but I feel like it would go on forever. I learned a trick, I don't remember where I heard this from, but if we say what we are thankful for BEFORE we go to bed we will have a more restful night's sleep, and wake up with a clear head and surprisingly more happy. I know this sounds cliche, but I have tried it and both Kyle and I wake up better and refreshed because of it! So please try it!
I am not going to lie, the election was a huge disappointment to me, but I cannot dwell on it. I have a life to live, school to go to, and things to worry about that I CAN control. But, I do feel that my faith in Christ will keep me safe from any misfortunes, and that when Kyle and I graduate we will be okay. That is a huge worry for us, the job market and the economy. Obama supporter or not, that is undeniable. That is why I am glad it is the thankful month, I can be grateful for what I have, and not focus on things I cannot control.
I try for this blog to be an uplifting for anyone who needs it, including myself. I try to put myself out there, for anyone to see, because I have nothing to hide. Absolutely nothing. I am a faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I am a hardworking married college student, a house wife, and a life partner! I try to have fun in anything I do, no matter what it may be, and I love being married! I want my life's work to be rebuilding the family unit in this country. I am thankful for families! I have a huge one myself, on both my father and mother's side. One's catholic and one is Mormon, and I am grateful to be apart of both! I absolutely love it! I take pride in both. I am no longer ashamed to make mistakes, because it is what makes me a stronger and better person. I will never stop fighting for what's right, I will never change my views, and I will not cave in the sight of adversity. Never. I try to be a loving, non-judgmental person, but what's right is right and it cannot be swayed. I am grateful for my values and firm standing in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I leave this with you with a heart of gratitude for reading my blog. I hope you all have a great November and a very grateful Thanksgiving.
~Katie B.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
If I were President....
I have been pondering a lot about the debates for a while now. I wasn't always into politics, not necessarily because I wasn't interested, but because I didn't know. I was naive, and still am to an extent, but I consider that a good thing. I am literally scared to death of the future of this country. With both Mitt Romney and Barrack Obama as the candidates. I make it obvious that I am indeed a Romney supporter. I do believe that he stands for a generation (more or less) that does not believe in entitlements. He is NOT perfect by any means, I have a lot of problems with his stand on things. Such as Illegal Immigration, his flip floppiness on abortion, and most of his social issues for that matter, and his foreign policy and much more.
I believe that my generation (not all, but from what I've seen) thinks we are entitled to so many things! Why do hard working tax payers have to pay for MY birth control? Why? That makes no sense to me whatsoever. I do not believe in abortion, but those who do, and that want it (besides rape, and incest) should pay for it themselves. Seriously. There is no excuse to demand that from a hard working tax payer, to pay for anyone's birth control That is just ridiculous thinking. If you don't want a baby, then don't have sex, because by having sex you give up that right. And I can say this. And those that are pregnant and need help, there are many options for you. I can refer you to a few if need be. There are people that live to help women with this sort of issue, being a single mother, teenage mother, etc. This goes for both women AND men. I know this is such a hot topic because most often, women are left alone to care for the child they cannot provide for. There is government assistance to help along the way, and there are many many couples that are unable to have children that would love to raise that child. Abortion is definitely not the answer.
Foreign Policy, I actually do agree with Obama on this, but sadly he has no intention to bring them back, it's a sad truth. Here is proof to that sadly.
I wish we could bring our troops home, with all sincerity. They don't want to be away from there families, why are their lives in the hands of one man? Why are they there if that country (Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya) does not want them there, or want our help. So many people have died but for what at this point? It's so sad. Our troops deserve more than that. I believe that they should be pulled out of those countries and onto our borders to stop the drug cartel. Also I would put them in Mexico and HELP them. Help them get there country back! I do not agree with illegal immigration, but I do believe they are running from disaster. Why can't we help if that is such an issue? Is it because the political party wants their votes? Why can't we help them? Put our troops on our soil and their's to help both Mexico and the U.S. Use our forces to destroy the drug cartel, regain proper leadership for mexico and get their citizens a place where they can safely live and raise there families. I don't understand why we can't do that. If we can help Libya destroy a dictator that is half way across the globe, then why can't we help a bordered country.
Obamacare. This one is tricky. But no, it's not good for this country. My grandfather is being affected by this already, and it's not fair. He has worked his whole life, only for his life to be dictated by the government? He has a bad heart issue, and clearly needs a pacemaker, and that would make things a whole better for him. BUT the government has told him he needs to be on this pill (not sure what it is) for 3 months, to see if it'll work first. The doctors have told my Bumpa that this pill will do nothing for him, so he has to sit and wait for 3 months, which is called a death panel. How right is that? Seriously? To work your whole life only for your health to be in hands of the government? Quality of care will go down (as does any government organization), I only hope my mother will still (her being a Registered Nurse) get paid the same and work her same hours, but only time will tell how it will affect the workforce. I honestly don't know how it will. The healthcare system is indeed corrupt, and it needs to be fixed, but government is not the answer, because with them, there's always strings attached. And THAT is the truth.
Fellow college friends, this one is specifically for us. Our futures. If you watched the debate last night, the first question was from a fellow college student graduating in 2014. He asked Romney about his job prospects for when he graduated college, and NEITHER of them answered the question. Not once. I was so disappointed, because that is a daily fear for Kyle and I, is once he graduates, will we be able to start a family? Will he have a full time job? Where will we be? We will be able to pay off our student loans? It's a very scary thought. So please stop and think for a second, think about the last four years, think about the job prospects. Think about things, do your own research, and you WILL find the truth. DO NOT let the media, including FOX, CNN, MSNBC all those others, don't let them tell you who to vote for. There is NO such thing as an independent voter. If that were the case, I would be, cause I'm not thrilled about Romney, but I do not like Obama. So does that consider me an independent? No. My values are not persuadable, my views are not either. I believe what I do, and they will not change. Don't insult yourself by labeling you as in independent because nobody buys into it. There was no answer from either candidate last night about this question, and that makes me think do either of them care about situations? Or do they just want our votes because our age can be swayed so easily.
One more thing. Friends, look at our national debt. It has been raised 4.939 trillion in 3 years. It took Bush 8 years to do that. Here is an article that proves this. We, as tax payers are paying for this. We need to stand and say enough is enough! These are my opinions, and I don't expect people to agree with me, but I encourage you as my friends to look into this, and to really understand the importance for this election. The budget has NOT been balanced, how many of us have to not buy things because we can't afford it? I'm pretty sure everyone has had to do this. If not, then you need to grow up. The government is acting like a 16 year old girl with her Dad's credit card. "It's not MY money, so why do I care how much I spend" That is EXACTLY the way the government thinks about our money. Our HARD EARNED MONEY! It needs to stop. Sadly it will never stop completely, BUT it can slow down and take a turn for the better. Gas prices? Influx on food prices? Pay attention guys, cause this may seem like a distant debate where it doesn't effect us immediately, but it does, more so than you think.
Sorry this isn't light hearted like my other ones, but this has been bothering me, and I wanted to get it off my chest. Thanks for reading, and I hope you will hear from me soon!
~Katie B.
I believe that my generation (not all, but from what I've seen) thinks we are entitled to so many things! Why do hard working tax payers have to pay for MY birth control? Why? That makes no sense to me whatsoever. I do not believe in abortion, but those who do, and that want it (besides rape, and incest) should pay for it themselves. Seriously. There is no excuse to demand that from a hard working tax payer, to pay for anyone's birth control That is just ridiculous thinking. If you don't want a baby, then don't have sex, because by having sex you give up that right. And I can say this. And those that are pregnant and need help, there are many options for you. I can refer you to a few if need be. There are people that live to help women with this sort of issue, being a single mother, teenage mother, etc. This goes for both women AND men. I know this is such a hot topic because most often, women are left alone to care for the child they cannot provide for. There is government assistance to help along the way, and there are many many couples that are unable to have children that would love to raise that child. Abortion is definitely not the answer.
Foreign Policy, I actually do agree with Obama on this, but sadly he has no intention to bring them back, it's a sad truth. Here is proof to that sadly.
I wish we could bring our troops home, with all sincerity. They don't want to be away from there families, why are their lives in the hands of one man? Why are they there if that country (Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya) does not want them there, or want our help. So many people have died but for what at this point? It's so sad. Our troops deserve more than that. I believe that they should be pulled out of those countries and onto our borders to stop the drug cartel. Also I would put them in Mexico and HELP them. Help them get there country back! I do not agree with illegal immigration, but I do believe they are running from disaster. Why can't we help if that is such an issue? Is it because the political party wants their votes? Why can't we help them? Put our troops on our soil and their's to help both Mexico and the U.S. Use our forces to destroy the drug cartel, regain proper leadership for mexico and get their citizens a place where they can safely live and raise there families. I don't understand why we can't do that. If we can help Libya destroy a dictator that is half way across the globe, then why can't we help a bordered country.
Obamacare. This one is tricky. But no, it's not good for this country. My grandfather is being affected by this already, and it's not fair. He has worked his whole life, only for his life to be dictated by the government? He has a bad heart issue, and clearly needs a pacemaker, and that would make things a whole better for him. BUT the government has told him he needs to be on this pill (not sure what it is) for 3 months, to see if it'll work first. The doctors have told my Bumpa that this pill will do nothing for him, so he has to sit and wait for 3 months, which is called a death panel. How right is that? Seriously? To work your whole life only for your health to be in hands of the government? Quality of care will go down (as does any government organization), I only hope my mother will still (her being a Registered Nurse) get paid the same and work her same hours, but only time will tell how it will affect the workforce. I honestly don't know how it will. The healthcare system is indeed corrupt, and it needs to be fixed, but government is not the answer, because with them, there's always strings attached. And THAT is the truth.
Fellow college friends, this one is specifically for us. Our futures. If you watched the debate last night, the first question was from a fellow college student graduating in 2014. He asked Romney about his job prospects for when he graduated college, and NEITHER of them answered the question. Not once. I was so disappointed, because that is a daily fear for Kyle and I, is once he graduates, will we be able to start a family? Will he have a full time job? Where will we be? We will be able to pay off our student loans? It's a very scary thought. So please stop and think for a second, think about the last four years, think about the job prospects. Think about things, do your own research, and you WILL find the truth. DO NOT let the media, including FOX, CNN, MSNBC all those others, don't let them tell you who to vote for. There is NO such thing as an independent voter. If that were the case, I would be, cause I'm not thrilled about Romney, but I do not like Obama. So does that consider me an independent? No. My values are not persuadable, my views are not either. I believe what I do, and they will not change. Don't insult yourself by labeling you as in independent because nobody buys into it. There was no answer from either candidate last night about this question, and that makes me think do either of them care about situations? Or do they just want our votes because our age can be swayed so easily.
One more thing. Friends, look at our national debt. It has been raised 4.939 trillion in 3 years. It took Bush 8 years to do that. Here is an article that proves this. We, as tax payers are paying for this. We need to stand and say enough is enough! These are my opinions, and I don't expect people to agree with me, but I encourage you as my friends to look into this, and to really understand the importance for this election. The budget has NOT been balanced, how many of us have to not buy things because we can't afford it? I'm pretty sure everyone has had to do this. If not, then you need to grow up. The government is acting like a 16 year old girl with her Dad's credit card. "It's not MY money, so why do I care how much I spend" That is EXACTLY the way the government thinks about our money. Our HARD EARNED MONEY! It needs to stop. Sadly it will never stop completely, BUT it can slow down and take a turn for the better. Gas prices? Influx on food prices? Pay attention guys, cause this may seem like a distant debate where it doesn't effect us immediately, but it does, more so than you think.
Sorry this isn't light hearted like my other ones, but this has been bothering me, and I wanted to get it off my chest. Thanks for reading, and I hope you will hear from me soon!
~Katie B.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
7 weeks!
Finally! A number! An amount of time to be able to count down from. I have been waiting a long time for this moment. I received word that the temple prep class will start this Sunday and will be 7 weeks long. At first, I was frustrated. Very frustrated. I have been through quite a bit before these moments, and I just wanted it done already. I was tired of moving, tired of going from place to place, ward to ward, knowing each time we were set back was a hard thing to deal with for me. But after prayer and time to think I am just grateful that I have a wonderful bishop that understands the situation and taking time to make sure it will happen. Everything happens for a reason, and I mean everything. I am grateful, the past 2 years almost, I have had the ability to learn a lot of things, go through spiritual boosts, and also drought. I have learned what an incredible difference life makes when you include the gospel in every aspect. For example, for me I love going to Institute. I know that may be weird for some, but I enjoy it very much. I enjoy knowing I made the choice to be there most of all. I could be grabbing lunch with Kyle, or studying, or face-booking but I made the choice to take Institute. Unfortunately I have missed about 4 days of it in a row, and I can see the huge difference. It's more difficult to WANT to find the time to read scripture, pray, and in general feel the spirit. I guess obviously I am the type of person that needs something like institute to keep me in check.
I cannot wait to be sealed to Kyle. Kyle is literally my soul mate, and the fact that our love, our marriage can be expounded upon? That is an incredible feeling. I love him so much, I am so grateful for all the experiences, the choices we have made together to strengthen our bond, to build a more firm foundation for our future family. It is very rewarding and exciting. Kyle and I discuss almost every night, how things will change once we are sealed, it's always an exciting conversation. I feel like the next chapter in our lives will REALLY begin once that is done. I have been patient, and impatient. I have been strong, but also weak, at many times. But I always come out stronger, I truly believe. After talking to my bishop this Thursday, I will confirm where I want to be sealed. And lay out plans from there. I want everything to be planned WAY ahead of time, starting this week! No surprises, at least minimal.
I truly hope all the plans I want to make will fall into place. I guess that is my biggest worry. I am very used to things like that being very difficult when they really shouldn't be. The most simplest things have been incredibly difficult to achieve, and 9 times out of 10, they are out of my control. BUT I need to remind myself that I should put my faith in the Lord and let him lead me. Please, say a prayer for me, that everything will be smooth, and stay the course!
These are my thoughts for the month, thank you to those of you who take the time to read this. I am very grateful and hope all of you are doing very well, and wish all the best.
~Katie B.
I cannot wait to be sealed to Kyle. Kyle is literally my soul mate, and the fact that our love, our marriage can be expounded upon? That is an incredible feeling. I love him so much, I am so grateful for all the experiences, the choices we have made together to strengthen our bond, to build a more firm foundation for our future family. It is very rewarding and exciting. Kyle and I discuss almost every night, how things will change once we are sealed, it's always an exciting conversation. I feel like the next chapter in our lives will REALLY begin once that is done. I have been patient, and impatient. I have been strong, but also weak, at many times. But I always come out stronger, I truly believe. After talking to my bishop this Thursday, I will confirm where I want to be sealed. And lay out plans from there. I want everything to be planned WAY ahead of time, starting this week! No surprises, at least minimal.
I truly hope all the plans I want to make will fall into place. I guess that is my biggest worry. I am very used to things like that being very difficult when they really shouldn't be. The most simplest things have been incredibly difficult to achieve, and 9 times out of 10, they are out of my control. BUT I need to remind myself that I should put my faith in the Lord and let him lead me. Please, say a prayer for me, that everything will be smooth, and stay the course!
These are my thoughts for the month, thank you to those of you who take the time to read this. I am very grateful and hope all of you are doing very well, and wish all the best.
~Katie B.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Halfway through?
I can't believe in a week or so we are halfway through the semester!? How does that make sense? It has been one of the toughest semesters for Kyle and I. UVU means business, they have very tough courses and no excuses. It is definitely a lot different than UNT, but nothing is worth anything without the work to get there. Kyle is working 6 days a week, school 5 days a week, and studying 7 days a week. He is being stretched very thin. Every day is a step closer to graduation, closer to the next section in our lives and our marriage. I like to look at this period as a fun building stage for building the foundation for our marriage for our children. I can't help but think things I learn while going to college, being apart of the BYU atmosphere, going to Institute, working hard for a better future it will also help me become a better mother.
BYU football is our relief to the busy hecticness of this semester, but so far they have become a stress more so than a relief! But that is for another time, another discussion haha!
I love fall. The beautiful colors outside or our house windows are changing from green to red, yellow and purple! It's so beautiful! I love it here in provo! I am so grateful to be able to spend this time here, and I can't wait to show my kids here someday to show where the foundation of their upbringing was cultivated! I love Utah very much, it has a very special place in my heart. I look forward to being sealed to my better half here in the Salt Lake City Temple. It is frustrating it hasn't happend yet, and things outside of my control are prolonging the process, BUT I pray for patience from the Lord, to help me grow in the time I have to wait to better prepare myself. I feel like going to institute, and having BYU right next to me, spending time with family, helps me have the gospel more in my every day life, to where it is not just a once a week thing, but an every minute of every day thing, the way it should be. I feel like I have grown a lot in the last 2 years, and I look forward to growing more! I hope this is enjoyable for anyone to read as much as it is to write. My goal in life is to help others. I am using my schooling and my money to become a social worker focused on the family, and anyone that needs it. I feel like that is my calling in life I will respond with the best of my ability. I hope everyone is enjoying the fall colors. Stop for a second and look out your window, look up to the sky and see the beauty around you. Look at the loved ones around you, next to you, or in your life. Be thankful for what our gracious God has given us. Forgive always, love always and know you are loved.
~Katie B.
BYU football is our relief to the busy hecticness of this semester, but so far they have become a stress more so than a relief! But that is for another time, another discussion haha!
I love fall. The beautiful colors outside or our house windows are changing from green to red, yellow and purple! It's so beautiful! I love it here in provo! I am so grateful to be able to spend this time here, and I can't wait to show my kids here someday to show where the foundation of their upbringing was cultivated! I love Utah very much, it has a very special place in my heart. I look forward to being sealed to my better half here in the Salt Lake City Temple. It is frustrating it hasn't happend yet, and things outside of my control are prolonging the process, BUT I pray for patience from the Lord, to help me grow in the time I have to wait to better prepare myself. I feel like going to institute, and having BYU right next to me, spending time with family, helps me have the gospel more in my every day life, to where it is not just a once a week thing, but an every minute of every day thing, the way it should be. I feel like I have grown a lot in the last 2 years, and I look forward to growing more! I hope this is enjoyable for anyone to read as much as it is to write. My goal in life is to help others. I am using my schooling and my money to become a social worker focused on the family, and anyone that needs it. I feel like that is my calling in life I will respond with the best of my ability. I hope everyone is enjoying the fall colors. Stop for a second and look out your window, look up to the sky and see the beauty around you. Look at the loved ones around you, next to you, or in your life. Be thankful for what our gracious God has given us. Forgive always, love always and know you are loved.
~Katie B.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Lesson's learned.
The Fall 2012 Semester is about to start and I couldn't be more excited! I have a lot on my plate this semester, with 16 credit hours, I haven't taken above 12 in my college career, so it should be interesting. Kyle and I just bought a bus pass for the whole Utah County/Salt Lake County Metro area for the year for 50 bucks a pop! What a deal! I have good feelings about this semester, I honestly do. My goal is to get straight A's this semester, I know that is what everyone thinks before the semester starts, but I honestly don't have an excuse. I have made decent grades while working in high school and the first year and a half of college. But now I have this opportunity to focus on school, and to make good grades, make the Deans List and go on to Brigham Young University, and if I want these goals obtained, I have to earn them.
I have learned a lot in the past year. I have learned that literally everything we do is planned. I know that seems like common knowledge, but just sit and think about it for a second. Think about everything you have done in your life, the small little choices you have made,where have they led you to?
Recently, I have been getting a lot of pats on the back for the things I have been through, for my determination. I had to sit and think about it for a second. Was it really that hard? Am I making it more than what it is? I talked to Kyle about these thoughts and he put it like this; "When you are hiking a steep mountain, and when you reach the top or a point of rest, do all you think about is how hard it was to get up there, or do you enjoy the view?" I was baffled by this response because of how true it is. Do we focus on the journey or the success? Which one is more important? They are both very significant, but once the journey is over, bathe in the success and all your accomplishments once you are finally there. That is why I felt that way. I am receiving many blessings, and I am just overwhelmed because I feel like they have been absent for a long while. Of course that isn't the truth, waking up everyday is a blessing in and of itself. Being married to the love of my life is a TREMENDOUS blessing. Being in Provo is a blessing to me. Having my family and friends around me and so on.
I have not given up on my dreams. My dream is to obtain my bachelors degree from Brigham Young University. Let me fill you in on the reasons of my obsession. I love what it stands for. Tradition, Spirit and Honor. The only thing that makes a school special is what the students think of it. Without the students or fans, it is nothing. BYU is special to me, and I will not stop until I achieve my goals. That is why I will NOT give up. I refuse. That is not an option for me.
Anyways, I hope this helps anyone in any way. God Bless.
I have learned a lot in the past year. I have learned that literally everything we do is planned. I know that seems like common knowledge, but just sit and think about it for a second. Think about everything you have done in your life, the small little choices you have made,where have they led you to?
Recently, I have been getting a lot of pats on the back for the things I have been through, for my determination. I had to sit and think about it for a second. Was it really that hard? Am I making it more than what it is? I talked to Kyle about these thoughts and he put it like this; "When you are hiking a steep mountain, and when you reach the top or a point of rest, do all you think about is how hard it was to get up there, or do you enjoy the view?" I was baffled by this response because of how true it is. Do we focus on the journey or the success? Which one is more important? They are both very significant, but once the journey is over, bathe in the success and all your accomplishments once you are finally there. That is why I felt that way. I am receiving many blessings, and I am just overwhelmed because I feel like they have been absent for a long while. Of course that isn't the truth, waking up everyday is a blessing in and of itself. Being married to the love of my life is a TREMENDOUS blessing. Being in Provo is a blessing to me. Having my family and friends around me and so on.
I have not given up on my dreams. My dream is to obtain my bachelors degree from Brigham Young University. Let me fill you in on the reasons of my obsession. I love what it stands for. Tradition, Spirit and Honor. The only thing that makes a school special is what the students think of it. Without the students or fans, it is nothing. BYU is special to me, and I will not stop until I achieve my goals. That is why I will NOT give up. I refuse. That is not an option for me.
Anyways, I hope this helps anyone in any way. God Bless.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Back in the Beehive State
It's been a long journey but it is only the beginning. Right now, Kyle and I are staying with my sister and brother-in-law in Bountiful, UT. It's been fun hanging around with them, playing with my niece and doing tons of fun things in the Salt Lake valley that we haven't spend much time in before now (besides downtown salt lake). Kyle hurt his shoulder pretty bad Saturday evening and has to be very careful as to how he moves it and what not, I am a little nervous about the potential for surgery but I pray everything will work out.
I don't think most people understand why I like Utah so much, so I'll explain myself a little better. I like it because, well for starters, the mountains are amazing. Completely surrounded in almost every direction! Two, I love BYU, always have, and always will. I love the sense of pride, not only for a university, but for what we stand for as a people and as disciples of Christ. It's not just a school to me, it's who I am, literally and who I always strive to be, and what I want my future children to strive to be. I am very glad to be back and have no intentions on moving anymore! At least not for a while!
We move into our future home on Wednesday, close to BYU campus, parks galore, gorgeous neighborhood, great people, I am excited. Kyle and I have 3 classes together next semester, yup you heard me right, we have 3! Utah has different requirements than in Texas, so that is the only reason why we do have any classes together since we are 2 years apart, because they are requirements! We have Meteorology, Music, and Ethics and Values, all easy breezy, but I am excited to take the same classes with my hubby, how cool is that??
I am a little on edge about next week, the process of moving our stuff back out of storage, (not to mention how tiny space that is in that place to park the huge moving truck! and with Kyle's hurt shoulder and the complicated moving process, I am afraid to ask for help since it is such a unique process. I will pray for an easy going process that everything will work out nice and smoothy. I just can't keep it out of my mind of all the things that could go wrong! It has been a rough go for us, but I am praying we are going the right direction to make a great future for ourselves! I'm sure we are, it is just a little difficult right now. Also on top of Kyle's injury just doesn't help things.
Thanks for listening to my ramble and whatnot I hope everything in your life is going great and smoothly! I will see you guys next post!
~Katie B.
I don't think most people understand why I like Utah so much, so I'll explain myself a little better. I like it because, well for starters, the mountains are amazing. Completely surrounded in almost every direction! Two, I love BYU, always have, and always will. I love the sense of pride, not only for a university, but for what we stand for as a people and as disciples of Christ. It's not just a school to me, it's who I am, literally and who I always strive to be, and what I want my future children to strive to be. I am very glad to be back and have no intentions on moving anymore! At least not for a while!
We move into our future home on Wednesday, close to BYU campus, parks galore, gorgeous neighborhood, great people, I am excited. Kyle and I have 3 classes together next semester, yup you heard me right, we have 3! Utah has different requirements than in Texas, so that is the only reason why we do have any classes together since we are 2 years apart, because they are requirements! We have Meteorology, Music, and Ethics and Values, all easy breezy, but I am excited to take the same classes with my hubby, how cool is that??
I am a little on edge about next week, the process of moving our stuff back out of storage, (not to mention how tiny space that is in that place to park the huge moving truck! and with Kyle's hurt shoulder and the complicated moving process, I am afraid to ask for help since it is such a unique process. I will pray for an easy going process that everything will work out nice and smoothy. I just can't keep it out of my mind of all the things that could go wrong! It has been a rough go for us, but I am praying we are going the right direction to make a great future for ourselves! I'm sure we are, it is just a little difficult right now. Also on top of Kyle's injury just doesn't help things.
Thanks for listening to my ramble and whatnot I hope everything in your life is going great and smoothly! I will see you guys next post!
~Katie B.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
My first entry!
I decided to write a blog for a few reasons. First, the first year of my marriage was a constant adventure, and rather just posting pictures about it, why not both write and show pictures for all my friends and family to see? I think to myself, is it self absorbed to write a blog about your adventures, all the places of where you've been and what you've seen, and what you are doing with your life? No not at all, i believe it will be fun and exciting. Of course already I have done a lot more than what I anticipated when I said, "I do" moving around the western half of the country in less than 6 months, but hey, who's counting? I look foward to share my experiences with anyone who will listen and I hope to be exciting enough to continue this blog and have many more posts to come!
~Katie B.
~Katie B.
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