

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

CHRISTmas, not X-mas...

About five years ago, I was sitting in church, and I was passing a note back and forth to my friend, and I believe I asked her "What do you want for X-mas?" She replied by crossing out the "X" in X-mas, and replaced it with Christmas. "I never use the word X-mas because it crosses out the word Christ." I was taken aback by that statement, I didn't even realize what that had meant! I thought that was just a short cut for the word when writing it. That has stuck with me ever since and I can't help but think about that every time Christmas comes around. I think that this is exactly what the world has done with Christmas, they take Christ out of it. We all really need to check ourselves and remember what this time is really for. I know I had too, and it was the best thing I have ever done!

This past thanksgiving was a great experience away from home! My 3 cousins, Kymberlee, Kaelene, and Karlee, my older sister Ali and my niece Audrey, and Kyle and I all sat with our Bumpa (My mom's dad) and enjoyed our meal together, going around the table saying what we are thankful for. It was a great experience that I will never forget! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving at home, away from home, or where ever you were. It has been an interesting semester, but I think I speak for most of us college students, that I am glad it is over. (Almost). I look forward to many things! I look forward to taking out my endowments in the Salt Lake City Temple (my favorite since I was a little girl!) and getting sealed in the Dallas Temple! Kyle and I are on the right path! I know it!

So a little update, I changed my major. BUT I still want to help families, and society, and I am going to continue to do so. I am inviting you to like my page "Marriage Matters" on Facebook, to talk with a community that values the institution of marriage, and helps those in need as much as possible. I changed my major to Graphic Design, concentration in Game Design. I am very excited about this change. I am very passionate about video games, more so than the average girl (that goes without saying) and I think I would thoroughly enjoy this field. I am very excited at what lies ahead.

Thanks again to everyone who takes the time to read my blog, and I hope I help people in one way or another. I strive to be a good person everyday, I live my religion every minute of every day, not just one day a week. I encourage people to do the same. Pray to Heavenly Father, our God for peace, for the right path, or whatever it is you need, because I have a testimony that He does hear our prayers, and always has great things in store for us! I hope everyone is having a fantastic week and God bless!

~Katie B. 

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