

Friday, June 28, 2013

The Gay Marriage Ruling and Abortion: Where government is God?

So many things to think about. So many things are going through my mind. I wanted to address these huge monumental decisions that have been made this past week. I will begin with acknowledging my heavy burdened heart. 

We all have opinions, and this blog is about mine. If any readers don't like my stance or views, I will not apologize. I commend any person for standing firm in their beliefs, regardless of political views and differences that we may have. Standing firm gives you respect in my book. Truthfully, there are very few people in my friends list that actually care and stay firm and not "go with the flow" and just do what's popular. I commend them for that. 

According to the constitution of the United States, us Christians have to stop and ask ourselves, why can't they be married. Anything where the government is involved turns corrupt and lacks moral standing. So this was just a matter of time in reality. On the other hand, politics used to be fighting for your moral standings and beliefs, not this "politically correct" nonsense that half the time doesn't make any sense. 

I put Christ and His gospel into my everyday life. Yes, even in my politics. You can say that's wrong, but I feel that it is right. This country was founded on christian beliefs and was only made possible by His grace and protection. We are the chosen country of this earth. I firmly believe that. Because I put Him in my everyday decisions, I was very saddened by the decision to throw out a major part of The Defense of Marriage Act. Like I said earlier though, it was bound to happen when government is involved in anything so divine. Marriage is a blessing provided by God Himself. Let's break down the institution of marriage. 

A man and woman, so different in every way shape and form, come together as one. Isn't that just beautiful? Two totally different people, of different minds, different bodies, different spirits come together. They are bound together by God (NOT the government....I wish) for and in all things. They come together body and soul and create another life out of their love for themselves, each other, and of God. Again, beautiful. Now, I know not all couples can have children, and yes it is sad. BUT with that being said, He will bless you and fulfill your life in other ways. A way that is different to every couple. 

This is something that I stand for, and will continue to do so into the eternities. I strongly believe that the definition of marriage was given by God and not the government. Now because we live in a world where our government oversteps their boundaries on a daily basis (not what our forefathers intended!!) of course it will be defined and change over time. Of course it will. It makes perfect sense. When we take God out of the picture, the everlasting foundation called "the truth" changes. 

What I don't understand from some christians is when they say "God hates gays" or things like that. That couldn't  be further from the truth. To be honest, that is horrible to say to anyone! I would never bully or be hateful to anyone. Everyone that knows me, knows that this is true. Standing up for what you believe in and being firm in your foundations is completely different then being hateful and spiteful and just plain nasty. 

Now on to the abortion segment.

Gosh, I don't even know where to start. It breaks my heart. It truly does. It is NOT a women's health issue. It really isn't, the "health" issue, is a rare occasion. I would go around saying "Abortion is NOT okay...EXCEPT....." Then I saw this 'analogy' that really made me stop and think. 

Do you think my older sister looked at her daughter as a "women's health right" or a "women's health issue" 
This is what people are viewing as "a burden" and denying life to many wonderful human beings. If this beautiful girl wasn't in my life I wouldn't know what to do! She is the closest thing I have to a child right now and Kyle and I enjoy just being with her every second we get! 

Here is a fact. People choose (mostly) to have sex. They make the choice to potentially create another life. Denying life is a huge mistake for any person to make. Have you ever asked a woman, preferably a single mom if she wished she aborted her child? I'm sure you are also going to meet someone who wishes they haven't. 

The institution of marriage and children are two of God's most precious gifts. Let us protect these gifts and enjoy all the wonderful things in this world. God bless! 

~Katie B. 

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