

Friday, August 30, 2013

"I Am A Champion And You're Gonna Hear Me Roar!"

Katy Perry released her new single a few weeks ago. I was anxiously waiting the night it was released, both nervous and excited for something new from one of my favorite artists of all time. "Roar" did not disappoint me. It is very inspiring and can apply to any situation!

I don't usually talk about this sort of stuff on this blog, but I just had too. Although Katy Perry and I can disagree on A LOT of things, I love her personality and the music she writes. It captivates me and just puts me in a really good mood. Our personalities are very similar as well, which explains a lot haha. 

How would you apply these lyrics? 

I apply them to school and also to society. Everything I stand for is something that society likes to degrade, or "knock me down". Marriage (especially at a young age), standing for Christ and His Gospel, society is going to hear me roar! And nothing can stop me! "You knocked me down, but I got up, already brushing off the dust.." 

"You hear my voice, you hear that sound. Like thunder, gonna shake the ground." Speak out for what you believe. Do not hide only because the truth is unpopular. Now is this what Katy Perry is saying in her lyrics? No probably not, but I'm taking words and relating them to a special, impowering meaning to me, which is also something YOU can do. 

Anyone that has followed up on her in the news, knows it's about Russel Brand-Ex Husband. 

But it's inspiring nonetheless! 

Speak out people, speak for your believes. Stand up for Christ and His Gospel. You are a champion, and let society hear you ROAR! 

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