

Monday, January 13, 2014

Marriage Equality. It's all Just A Game.

Marriage Equality

This term is already inaccurate from the start. A Marriage, as defined in the bible, is a union between one man and one woman. It is not defined as one man and one man, or the coming together of two women. Because of those major differences, they are not equal by any means. I mean, c'mon. That just doesn't make sense. So what are you fighting for? Are you fighting for God to recognize what you want to redefine as a marriage? Or the government. Just because the government deems it a marriage, doth not make it one. I wish the government would stay out of marriages to be completely honest with you. Marriage is an institution of God, not the government.  

Honestly, I know they will have the right to marry throughout the country here eventually. That doesn't mean I will quit standing up and fighting for God's definition of marriage, but I believe those who are fighting for "Marriage Equality" and those fighting for God's definition of marriage are fighting for two completely different things. 

Those who are fighting for Marriage Equality are fighting for the government, state and federal to recognize their union. They are seeking TEMPORAL approval. They are seeking a WORLDLY acceptance. They are seeking a TEMPORARY acceptance. Honestly, they can have the governments approval. They can have the tax breaks, they can have whatever else the "perks" are. 

Why is Marriage Equality a game?

What is the point of a protected class? Divine favor? Individual liberty? These things do not come from the government recognizing any particular lifestyle, gender or race as 'protected'. By protecting classes of people (or dare I say classifying them at all) we are separating groups of people and that at its finest is inequality. In order to achieve 'equality' of any sort we must recognize every person regardless of creed, race, gender or lifestyle as another human being. 

The idea of marriage equality is to stir up emotion and create a sort of chaos that always leads people to asking the government for help. The situation does not lend itself to the individual claiming more liberty. It instead increases the power of the government to dictate how people act, how society functions, and how we all survive. The basic premise is that people can not operate with-in society on their own. They need a 'leg up' from the government. This 'leg up' no matter how 'noble' a cause leads to a more centralized power and a socialistic construct; where the individual does not have the power to choose for themselves. They must instead go to their government for permission or 'acceptance'.

Now, that being said, human nature will never give or receive complete equality and complete acceptance. It's not possible.  We are a world full of sinners, not saints. We judge, we compare, we organize society and what we deem is acceptable or not. That is what God wants us to do. The idea of agency is all apart of His plan. We have to deem what is right and wrong. We can't just say to ourselves "Everybody can do whatever they want to do, I can't judge what is right and wrong" If we do this, what is the point of parenting, raising children? Don't parents have to tell their children what is right and wrong, based on their own judgement? 
 I am LDS, (Mormon) but does that mean I demand everyone to accept that my faith is true? No. You have that right to judge for yourselves whether you agree with the teachings or not. Just because you don't agree with my faith, doesn't mean you are discriminating against me, or denying me equality. 

If one was seeking true acceptance, they would pray. They would pray to the one that is sinless and ask if what they are doing is worthy of His acceptance, and NOT the government. 

Government is not God.

Government is not God and never will be. God loves all his children and cares for us individually. He knows our struggles, he knows our sins, he knows our weaknesses and can help us overcome them, whatever they may be. Seek equality from Him, seek acceptance from Him. We live for so much more than what is in this life. Do not fall to the games and schemes of this world, as tempting and confusingly right as it may be. Remember, the adversary has the mighty power of confusion and temptation. He has the power to twist words into making wrong sound like right.
We all have our agency to choose. You all have the right to choose who you love, what you do behind closed doors. I have no problem with that, nor do I have a right to have a problem with your choice of what you do in the privacy of your own life. It is when the meaning of an eternally ordained institution that I hold dear to my heart, is trying to be changed is when I get involved.  

God bless you all. 

~Katie B.

& Ghost Writer Kyle Borne. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Welcome 2014!

I love the feeling of a fresh new year! For some, I'm sure 2013 was a hard year, and for others it could have been the best year for them in a long time. Regardless, it's over, it's time to start anew. 

Photo From

I really don't like it when people mock the New Years Resolutions people make every year. Why would you make fun of people wanting to make their lives better, regardless if they follow through with it or not? Haven't we all thought to ourselves things we should do to make this or that change to better our lives? I know I have. 

 Don't mock those want to make their lives better by wanting to change bad habits, behaviors, etc. It's an honorable thing to do in my opinion.

This year is filled with so much excitement for Kyle and I! Kyle graduates from UVU this semester. It has been long anticipated! Years of scraping by, moving from place to place, all as an undergrad will soon be over. I am very proud of him. He has worked hard for this degree, to be able to better provide for me, and our children to come. Everyday I am reminded that I am married to an amazing man, that loves me and will do ANYTHING for me. I can only hope that I can match the love he gives me on a daily basis. 

Kyle and I will celebrate 3 years of marriage tomorrow. <3 For some reason it feels like we have been married longer. I am so grateful I am reminded daily that I married my best friend. 

Kyle will get a salary job, we will start a family, and start the rest of our lives! I am excited for all that lies in the year of 2014! I hope you have a great year and make goals for yourself, whether it is to go somewhere, to be physically fit, to better your lives in any way, do it! You can do it! You can do anything you set your mind to. That is not just a cliche, it is truth. 

God bless!

~Katie B.