

Friday, August 5, 2016

The Future of The Borne Family

Hello everyone. I hope you all have had a great summer, and try enjoy what little is left of it. I can't believe it is August already. July went by really quickly. I guess that tends to happen in the summer time. The season for taking trips, swimming pools, beaches, going on vacation, having late nights, etc. It's been a fun summer for Kyle and I. We kicked it off going to Kansas City for a 3 day Memorial Day weekend. We had a great time seeing most of Kyle's family, and seeing a best friend of mine and her husband. It was great. It was a nice breather from normal life.

There's so much going on right now, I can barely keep my head straight. Lots of future plans halted and altered.

As you know (my facebook friends and family), my Father In law had a pretty severe stroke, that has left his right side useless. We were hoping and praying that he will be able to regain some mobility through physical, occupational, and strength therapy. Right now, they are working with him to strengthen his left side, and teach him how to use and operate all on that side to the best of his ability. But the nurse I spoke with said that he probably will be wheelchair ridden for the rest of his life. That news was like a slap in the face. It hurt. It physically hurt. It was not what I was expecting right then. I was expecting a "wait and see" kind of answer, but that's not what I got.

This has been so hard. He had a stroke back in December, (his first to our knowledge) and the doctor prescribed him medicine to prevent it in the future. He was stubborn and non-compliant. He refused. He came up with a million different (illogical) excuses as to why he doesn't need them. Both Kyle and I would plead with him every time we saw him to take his medicines and live a healthier lifestyle, but no good came from it.

When we got the phone call informing us that he had another stroke, we both had dread come across our faces, but neither of us were surprised. We knew this day would come, we just weren't sure about when it would be. We didn't expect it so soon.

I know Kyle and I have been tremendously blessed with consistent employment. I love that my husband is working in a profession that he loves, but sadly, it doesn't pay very well. Well below average. I worry about our future, especially now with all this going on. Kyle and I had plans to adopt. We were about halfway through the process. Before all this happened, we discussed it while we were in Washington D.C. We both felt that it wasn't the right time to adopt anymore with everything that was currently going on, then the same day, that night, we got the phone call about his Dad's stroke. It's like the Spirit was bracing us.

I tear up just thinking about it. Kyle and I are both so ready to be parents. We are ready to settle down and plant our roots, but unfortunately, in his profession you got to take the opportunities to move up the ladder whenever the chance appears. It just feels like everytime we start headed in that direction, something happens.

Whenever I feel like we have some sort of idea what God has planned for us, a wrench is thrown and we're on another path in the blink of an eye. I know we're destined to do great things. I know it. I just wonder when that day will come. I am working hard on my degree, so I can achieve the things I dream of, but until then, it's back to the grind. I will work part time, and do school full time (that's going to be quite the load!) and Kyle will continue to work full time and work to finish his masters

That's another worry. His master's. He's halfway through his MPA program, and he is not in Government. We are on a different path than the one when he started the program, and we're worried, but he is halfway through, and if he were to start another program, he would have to start all over, and we don't want to double down on the debt. Our new plan is for him (tentatively) to be an adjunct professor when he obtains his Master's and teach Government, and eventually work his way full time teaching at the college level. We're trying so hard to set ourselves up for our future, but things out of our control just keep happening. I know we're blessed. I have to constantly remind myself of that. I just don't like the inconsistency and not knowing what is ahead.

I want to be a mother. I want to obtain my degree. I want my husband to be able to achieve all of the things he is working so hard for. I want all of these things. I know we will achieve them, but the question is how or when?

I'm saddened that the adoption journey is put to a screeching hault. I cry when I think about it. All we can do is pray that the Lord will bless us with one of our own sooner rather than later, and keep moving forward, one step at a time.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

I Refuse To Fall In Line

Tonight was a sad one, when Cruz suspended his campaign. I have been an avid supporter of Ted Cruz, because I feel that he is the only one that has truly fought for all of our individual liberties and the constitution as a whole. No matter what party you are associated with, he has fought for your rights and freedoms.  Although, he was far from perfect, I rallied behind him. 

It's time to stop this paradigm. It's time to take a stand and no longer "fall in line" to what the media and the establishment tells us to do. It is time to stop believing in the false theory of voting for the "lesser of two evils" and stick with this Republican vs Democrat mentality. We can do more than that. Do not fall in line. I had a feeling of disgust come over me when  CNN host Dana Bash asked "Will these 'never Trump' people eventually just fall in line?" This is not the same situation as 2012, when a typical run of the mill establishment candidate (i.e. Mitt Romney, John McCain, Bush) became the "anointed one" for the GOP. This is Donald Trump. A man that has no one to answer to. A man that throws out insults only a child would even think to say. A man that has no boundaries. A man that has no respect for anyone unless they bow at his feet. This is why there is such a movement. And this is why I will not "fall in line" and continue on this mentality of voting for whoever the establishment is. I will not do it unless it remotely goes along with my belief system. 

I understand that no candidate is perfect. I understand that no candidate is a savior. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. But I also know that I will have to answer to my Savior and I want to able to tell Him that I stuck with my principles even when it was unpopular. I want to tell my children that I was not apart of the decline of this country. I want to look them in the eyes and say I tried. 

I will not fall in line. I absolutely refuse.

We, as the people, truly have the power to change this. I'm calling upon everyone of different beliefs, whether you're a liberal, independent, libertarian, republican, democrat, do not fall in line any longer. We have the power to change this establishment rhetoric. Regardless of what society tells you, regardless of what the media tells you, we have the power to change how things run in this country. I have actually seen some common ground with the left throughout this election process. We can agree on some things. So let us take some of that common ground and make a change. 

For those who believe that Donald Trump is the lesser of two evils compared to Hillary, I beg of you to research into who Donald Trump really is. Research his actions, his past interviews (and current) on health care, on firearms, on immigration, on abortion, planned parenthood, his tax plan (wanting to raise taxes universally, inadvertently advocating for socialism). Please, conduct your own personal investigation before you hit the polls. I beg of you. 

Also, I've noticed a lot of people afraid to post their political ideologies on social media. Why? Is it because you find it annoying when other people do? Is it because you're afraid of an argument or losing friends/popularity. Social media is a great tool to keep in touch with friends and family, but it is also a great forum to express your thoughts and feelings on things that matter. Politics matter greatly. It is worth talking about. It is worth standing up for. It is worth having debates/discussions. So don't be afraid. Stand up for what you believe in, no matter what. 

Stand up and take a stand for a change that is worth fighting for. Do not fall in line. I refuse to fall in line. 

May God Bless you all. 

~Katie B. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

Reflecting. How did we get here?

Another month down. The first half of the year tends to go by crazy fast. It feels like it was just the other day when Christmas was over. Now we're in April. Crazy stuff.

Last night, Kyle and I took a long walk. It was a beautiful crisp night, and out here in Graham, you can see tons of stars. A lot more than you can in Fort Worth, and especially more than Houston (Spring). That's a nice perk. It reminds me of being on my Nana and Bumpa's property in Elgin, TX.  You could see so many stars out there. My cousins and I would take walks after dark because it was cool to do that sort of thing, I suppose. 

I was reminded of a time specifically, walking with my cousin Cory and admiring the stars. I can't remember why we were out there so late, but I just remember looking up and staring at the stars. At that moment, I was in awe. Last night, I felt like I was in that same moment, all those years ago. Looking up staring at the stars. It was as if time stood still for just a brief moment. All worries and aches didn't exist for a small moment in time. I savor those moments when they come my way. It reminds me of why I'm here and it's a small glimpse at the bigger picture. It allows me to not get sucked in to the daily grind of life. 

Lots of things are in store for us this year. I will share a few now, and some much later in the year. For starters, I finally started my program at BYU-Idaho and am now wrapping up the first semester. It felt like it took forever. I did a whole year of institute classes in order to get this going. My education has been a long path for me, but I have never given up. I think I've taken a total of 2 and a half years off since I graduated high school. (Counting the year of religious courses). But I have never once thought of not finishing it out. Never. My associates degree is not enough for me. I believe I have bigger things in store, I really do. 

The Lord is fine tuning us. I wonder what is next in our journey. I can't help it. I can't be complacent. That is both a good and a bad thing. This whole chapter is still a head scratcher to me. I still can't wrap my head around it. My husband is a Sports Editor. So weird. I mean, he has always dreamed of doing that, but I never thought it was a possibility. We were set on him obtaining a city government job, getting his foot in the door, then when he obtained his masters, move up to city management. 
A year and half in Spring has changed that course. It was a tough 18 months. It truly was, I won't sugar coat it. 

He had been applying for city jobs for the majority of time while he was at Avis. He got two bites, out of the hundreds of jobs he had applied to. That is not an exaggeration. By the time the summer rolled around, I started to have my doubts. I started thinking, "Something has to change". Then, things at his work started to get worse, more animosity between management, more getting screwed over, it was building up to max capacity. 

About a month before his job ended at Avis, he found a journalism job here in Graham. He told me that he would be shoe in for it. I told him absolutely not. That was not part of "the plan". Then when things started to worsen at work, I caved. He had emailed his now boss about the position, after not hearing from them for a few months. That resulted in several emails back and forth, turning into a pre-interview screening process. She then told him that the Sports Editor position had just become available, and with Kyle's experience with his internship with the Utah Grizzlies, she thought that would be a better fit for him. 

To be completely honest, I wasn't entirely on board. I was set on "the plan" we had made in the last semester at UVU. I thought that if we wavered, we would never get there. I wanted to wait it out. Kyle ultimately didn't want to do it if I wasn't on board so he agreed he wouldn't go to the interview. 

Exactly two days before Kyle had lost his job, I had a change of heart. I can't explain it. The only explanation is the spirit preparing me for what was to come. I started feeling bad. I knew he was miserable at Avis, and I shouldn't let fear overpower me and any potential opportunities. I called him up at work and told him he should go to the interview. He was surprised, but grateful for my turnaround. 

Two days later, Kyle no longer was employed at Avis. Three days later, Kyle interviewed and became the Sports Editor of the Graham Leader

That is no coincidence. I don't believe in those. This is where the Lord wants us. I know it. I feel it. I bear my testimony of it. He softened my heart so I can be open to blessings. Kyle was impressed to email her (which he has never done before), and that resulted in this amazing opportunity. We were both lead by the spirit individually, and collectively. It is truly amazing when I think about it. 

We didn't know that it would end so quickly at Avis. But it prepared us for the blessing waiting for us. 

We have tweaked our plans a bit, but we are still on a good path for going forward. I don't know why the Lord gives us specific trials, but I do believe that each and every one of our trials our tailored just for us. Our trials our unique, so we can grow and become who we are destined to be. 

What did I learn from all of this? Plans change. God's doesn't. He has a plan for us, and it might not always be what we intended. That was a huge learning opportunity for me. I thought that I was doing the right thing by "sticking to the plan". But it wasn't what God had intended for me, and he let me know by changing my heart a few days before another trial had happened. I'm so grateful for Him and all of His blessings. I wonder what else God has in store for us.

Be prayerful about your decisions and plans. Always include Him. 

God be with you all

~Katie B. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

A New Chapter & A Few Spiritual Thoughts

I have always believed that life is a story. We are each the authors of our own book. People I have met over the course of 23 years each have a place in my story. No matter how big or little their presence is/was in my life, they have a place. Currently, my story is on yet another new chapter, titled Graham, Texas. Kyle and I love it here. We love the small town community, we love the Graham Branch, we feel that we have the opportunity to make a difference. 

If you didn't know, I was asked to become Young Women's Camp Director of our Branch. At first, it felt overwhelming. I was afraid I could not fill whatever shoes that were there before, or fail in some sort of way. But as each meeting passes, I feel confident that I can help assist in providing these girls a good uplifting girls camp experience like the one I had. I can't thank my past young women leaders enough for all their time and devotion and sacrifice into making our experience something that we will never forget.

Graham is another chapter for us.  A new beginning. A new adventure. Who would have thought this is where the Lord would take us? I never would have imagined. The year and a half in Houston was a spirit shaping one. There were lots of trials we faced together, but lot's of amazing experiences as well. Experiences that have shaped us, and our marriage. We have come out stronger, and that is what I love most about my marriage with Kyle. When we endure these difficult trials that test our faith, test our love and our eternal bond, we come out stronger. That doesn't mean we handled the trial perfectly. Far from it. But in my view, all that matters is what we learn and what we take away from these trials the Lord gives us, not necessarily the mistakes we made.

For example, when Kyle worked at Avis, he worked every Sunday. We rarely were able to go to church together. That was very difficult for us, because we all need that Sunday spiritual rejuvenation from the week. It took a toll on us both, individually and as a couple. When he got this job, we make it a priority to try and go each and every Sunday. We never want to take that ability to go to church for granted again. That is a result of the trial. The Lord wanted us to make it a priority, but we had to learn why, the hard way. 

Another thought I wanted to address is a specific lesson I learned in my religion course "The Family" this semester at BYU-Idaho (online). Each week, we do what is called a Provident Living Plan. We set up a new plan every other week, in various different topics. This past week was about our "love language". How we can show signs of love to the ones we care about, and how they see signs of love. I picked Kyle, obviously, for who I wanted to show different signs of love too. I did little things, like send him a quick email of love and encouragement on a rough week. I also baked him some brownies (he has a major sweet tooth). It's the little things we do, especially in a marriage, that make the biggest differences. It's not about big expensive gifts, or trips, it's about showing how much we care by doing the little things that mean the most. Like telling your spouse you appreciate everything they do for you, make them their favorite meal, watch their favorite movie (even if you hate it), do household chores for them, and so on. 

Marriage is at the center of a family. Take care of the marriage, the family will blossom, and your children will know what is truly important in life. I know that to be true, and I look forward to the day that I will be able to tell my children all of this. I look forward to the day when my family expands and I can practice these principles. 

Do a kind deed for someone you love today.

God Bless

~Katie B.