

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Lord wants me in Houston, so here I am!

Summer is on the later half, can you believe it?! I know I can't! It seems like yesterday I was on my way home from class in Provo! So much has happened in a matter of months, it'll make your head spin!

Within a month of moving back home to Fort Worth, Texas, my husband was offered a job at Bush Intercontinental Airport working for Avis Budget Group as an Operations Manager. He accepted and started immediately. We've been in our 3 bed 2 bath rental home for a little over a month now, and I still can't believe it. Just a few short months ago, we were scrapping every single penny that came to us, and now, we're able to live a little more comfortably. I give all my thanks to the Lord.

Every time I sit and reflect on how we got here, I can't help but feel unworthy. I think to myself, "What did I do to deserve such bountiful blessings, my prayers answered within a month of graduation?" I think of all the college graduates, taking them several months, even over a year to find a job that will not only support them, but pay off their student loans as well. Then I stop myself from these thoughts, and reflect on the struggles within the past 3 and a half years of our married-college life. The moving around, a new job every semester due to drastic changes in schedules, the family deaths, acts of service, eating hamburger helper almost EVERY NIGHT we ate in. Needless to say, I no longer have the desire to eat Hamburger Helper.

Something that Kyle and I have tried to really improve at while living here in Houston, is our daily scripture study and our weekly attendance to church. I'm sure most couples struggle with consistency, especially in the religious departments. It's so easy to brush it off. When I was having those thoughts of feeling unworthy of the blessings, I was thinking of ways that I could improve my devotion to the Lord. I wanted to show Him that I was grateful and receptive of the blessings he put in my life. Scriptures immediately popped into my head. Kyle and I have only missed a few nights of reading our scriptures together since we've moved to Houston. It's our way as a couple to show our dedication to the Lord and His gospel not only to our Savior, but to each other.

I find myself going to church consistently and regularly. Something I have always struggled with. Although this ward I am in is very different from the ward I attended in Provo, Utah, I look forward to the challenge of its diversity. I look forward to learning from the wisdom and experience of the ward members here in Houston.

I am a much happier person when I leave my life up to the Lord. I am at peace with where I am, who I am, and what the future brings me. I have a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His plan of happiness. The Lord wants us to talk to him through prayer and through our daily thoughts. He wants us to pray in rain and in shine. Where ever I am in this life, I want to leave my mark. A mark of service, a mark the Lord would want me to leave.

My goal other than raising a family, is to leave behind a legacy. A legacy of service, and being of good nature. I hope my actions in the past, present and future cultivate these very same thoughts. Thoughts of service. I pray daily for the Lord to use me in the work of His gospel. I fall short many times. Too many times. But through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and his tender mercy, I walk tall.

Until next time readers, may God be with you!

~Katie B